Thursday, March 14, 2013

Deep cleaning the house (Spring Cleaning list)

I try to keep my house super clean but I don't always have the time, having a full time job and other responsibilities sometimes get in the way. This coming week at my job I am going to be only working part time about 25 hours due to some special circumstances. My plan with this time is to deep clean my whole house because it needs to be done. Here is the plan...


  1. Pull out appliances and  and clean under them plus vents on the fridge
  2. Clean and de-clutter cabinets 
  3. Clean out oven
  4. Clean off glass top on oven 
  5. Comet and shine the sink
  6. Wipe walls and doors
  7. Clean trash can
  8. Organize Pantry
  9. Mop floor
Tuesday-Living Room
  1. Dust and Polish all tables
  2. Clean doors and walls
  3. Vacuum
  4. Clean dog hair off couches
  5. Wash dog bed 
  6. Clean windows
  1. Vacuum floor and under bed
  2. Wash bed set
  3. Organize closet
  4. Dust and polish dresser 
  5. Wash upstairs dog beds and kennels
Thursday-Bathrooms (My favorite part...NOT!)
  1. Clean toilets
  2. Clean showers and tub
  3. Clean sinks
  4. Clean and organize drawers
  5. Vacuum and wash all rugs
  6. Mop floors
  7. Clean mirrors
  8. Wipe down doors and walls
Friday- "Man Cave", Office, Hallways, and Stairs
  1. Vacuum all the floors
  2. Wipe down walls and doors
  3. Dust and Polish tables and desks
  4. Organize linen closet
  5. Organize laundry "room" (more of a closet)
And done! Doesn't that look like tons of fun? Usually I do about a 30 minute cleanup every day (dishes, picking up whatever gets set down where it shouldn't, throw clothes in washer, wipe down counters etc...). I expect to spend anywhere from an hour to three every day but the house will look wonderful. What do you do for spring cleaning? 

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